Koa Care 360

Empowering you on your mental health and wellbeing journey

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  • Good mental health starts here

  • Cultivate lifelong skills to improve your mental wellbeing

  • Get the support you need, right when you need it

Ready to get to work on your wellbeing?

Having trouble with the app?

Send us your feedback to care@koahealth.com.

Koa Care 360 and any information and/or services provided by Koa Care 360 are not intended to replace your healthcare provider for the detection, diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, prediction, prognosis, therapy, treatment or alleviation of any condition, disease, or vital physiological processes or for the transmission of time-sensitive health information. We make no promise that Koa Care 360 will provide any benefit to your mental or physical wellbeing. You should consult your doctor, therapist, or appropriate healthcare professional (“Licensed Therapist”) making any decisions to do (or not do) anything related to a healthcare problem or issue, and your licensed therapist’s advice must take precedence over the content of Koa Care 360. Koa Care 360 has not been reviewed or cleared by the the Food and Drug Administration.